• 115 / 2, General Block, MIDC, Bhosari,
  • Pune, Madhya Pradesh, 411026
  • بھارت
  • ٹیلی فون:91-20-27124069
  • فیکس:91
  • یو آر ایل:

صفحہ اول


Utcon Engineers was founded as a partnership concern by Mr. N.M. Udgaonkar and Mr. V. S. Tambe in 1983, offering design and consultancy services to the manufacturing industry. While the early focus was on the development and adaptation of special purpose machines (SPMs)to suit the requirements of the Indian market; in response to customer needs, Utcon began to offer its coustomers, a broader and more comprehensive range of turn-key solutions that encompassed end fixtures, SPMs, industrial washing machines and machines and material handling systems. Utcon Engineers was incorporated as a private limited company in 1995, and has been operating out of its current premises in MIDC, Bhosari near Pune since 1998.

Most manufacturing concerns that approach us to do with a view to increase efficiencies, reduce worker burden and fatigue, reduce manpower, provide increase reliability and consistency, meet faster cycle times. We start with understanding our client's specific requirements. We take special pride in working with our customers starting right from the conception stage up to the final commissioning of the project, and in providing prompt back-up, service and guidance, after the systems have been in operation. We then propose, design, manufacture and install systems the most suitable, ergonomic and cost-effective systems that best serve our customers needs.

In accordance with company's policy of Continuous Improvement in every area, UTCON decided to implement ISO 9000 systems and has target to achieve certification before March 2005.

Since, from last one decade the Company has made tremendous growth in all areas. This is the result of great efforts, good relationship and co-ordination between the management-worker. Our company we call as ' One Family working under One Roof '.


To earn the trust, respect and admiration of primarily our customers and the community at large and the premier companies providing state of the art, comprehensive material handling and factory automation solutions : first in India, then Asia and the rest of the world.


We will continually strive with unwavering dedication to develop our knowlege, expertise and systems to help our customers in all wegments of the manufacturing industry espand, improve their productivity and achieve their strategic business goals by providing them with the most reliable material handling and factory automation solutions of uncompromising quality with superior delivery standards and exceptional service.


To be a one-stop solution house, where our customers can find answers to all their plant's material handling needs with the requisite level of automation, right from conceptualization and design of plant lay-outs to installation and commissioning of systems that automate movement of material, from receipt of raw material to assembly and storage/ dispatch of finished product.

To actively partner with our customers to help them continuously improve effciency, productivity, reduce cycle times, costs and eliminate down-time and wastage. To develop long term relationships with all our customers.

To constantly deepen our knowledge and technical know how so that we can serve our customers better.

To constantly anticipate and respond to our customer's changing needs and provide service that is prompt, friendly, flexible and reliable.

To pursue strategic partnerships which are mutually beneficial, so as to deliver greater value to our customers.

To maximize the potential of and return on investmanets for all our clients, employees, supplliers and investors.

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